
Premium extra virgin olive oils & natural olives, hand-picked for exceptional quality from our own gardens in Western Anatolia.

Get our delicious trial pack here!

"I just drizzle my Palamidas olive oil on all the dishes on the table, and watch everyone start making yummy sounds."

- Robert K.

"I added the olive oil on boiled broccoli when serving, my toddler started devouring it. I ordered the next bottle right away!"

- Patricia T.

Palamidas Female Owner Feyza Batum

Palamidas Estate, located where east meets west, the cradle of civilizations, homeland of olives, in Anatolia, lives a farming family company, who love value nature and its future.

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  • Why Extra Virgin Olive Oil?

    It's quite simple actually. It's the healthiest of all oils, and some might argue, the tastiest. Extra virgin olive oil is the only oil ...

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  • Healthy and Easy Mediterranean Recipes

    First of all, some great news: you can already interchange other vegetable oils or melted butter in your recipes with olive oil. Just expect a stronger, and potentially better taste if you do so.

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  • Palamidas Olive Oil & Olives Co | Sustainability

    Future of Olive Trees

    In olive oil business, we are either out between our trees, or inside of our factory. We strive to leave no trace behind in both.

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